23.08.2016. Best moments of the month

This post is a try to catch up with my pictures during the last week of July and three weeks of August. It's just a collection of the most interesting photos and few words to describe them.

Kingfishers were always among the most famous models for nature photography. This Belted Kingfisher is a good example why. I took these pictures in Seton Park of Toronto.

Another beauty from this park is Cedar Waxwing. Adult bird and two juveniles.

Pileated Woodpecker - a pretty big bird. It is not as common as Downy or Hairy woodpeckers; I've seen him just once.

Black-crowned Night Heron. It's quite common in Toronto parks with lakes inside.

It's a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk. 

I took all the pictures above in Seton Park.

Below are the photos from Tommy Thompson Park, probably the best birding hot spot in Toronto.

The brand bird of TTP is the Eastern Kingbird.

Yellow Warblers are widespread in the city, other warblers are not that common.

Spotted Sandpiper (Canadian analog of European Common Sandpiper)

Killdeer is the most common plover across Toronto water shores (recalls European Little Ringed Plover by appearance and behavior, but twice larger).

Solitary Sandpiper (cousin of European Green Sandpiper)

This is a place where most TTP waders can be spotted. Gulls and terns are also present.

Caspian Terns

Trumpeter Swan. White and black and nothing more.

Yes, it's a Herring Gull, another intercontinental bird.

Ring-billed Gull, guess why? :)

Two different worlds...

Again, American Goldfinch behaves like his European cousin Goldfinch.

Mourning Dove

Double-crested Cormorant

Bank Swallow

Baltimore Oriole, female

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

Resting after an unsuccessful hunt for the gulls, this young Peregrine Falcon will close this TTP (Tommy Thompson Park) collection.

Turkey Vulture under the Bayview Street.

Female Downy Woodpecker.

Warbling Vireo

Wood Duck juveniles in High Park.

Great Blue Heron is going fishing.

Northern Flicker in the sunset light, High Park.